Whenever I join a program, I make note of the traffic exchange where I saw the ad and signed up from. Then, when my new sponsor emails me a welcome message, I email back with the name of the exchange. It seems like most of the time I'm telling them "I saw your site on WebmasterQuest".
Webmasterquest is the best one so far and I just Joined it last night. You need to join it also!
Richard Burger
Sanford, FL USA
WebmasterQuest ist ideal um Programme aller Art zu promoten - probieren Sie es aus, der Erfolg stellt sich schnell ein! Verk�ufe! Referrals! Downline-Mitglieder!
If you don`t understand now the same in english:
WebmasterQuest is ideal to promote all kinds of programs - test it, the success will come soon! Sales! Referrals! Downline-Members!
I belong to a few Traffic Exchange programs, but when I think of the best one to use to generate signups on my website, I think of WebmasterQuest. I know I will receive traffic from real people.
Anthony Schumacher
Appleton, WI
I have not been using WebmasterQuest very long and I have already had almost 27,000 banner impressions!
No one else offers the variety of ways to surf and earn credits. Banners, email and website views. I don't go there very often but still get a lot of traffic from them. Also, the auto-login icon is fantastic!
WebmasterQuest is one of my top traffic generators.
Bruce Kerr
Tucson, AZ USA