Thanks guys for the valuable resourse of WebmasterQuest. I have been using your hit exchange program from the beginning. It is my view the best (symply the best) The features of being able to add multiple sites or pages has really been an asset. I purchase banner ads and hits to my sites to get a robust leap. I know that using WebmasterQuest has put money in my pocket.
You guys are always thinking, improving the site and coming up with new ways to get more traffic, the hotlinks that I get free with every hit is a great feature. Keep up the good work. WebmasterQuest today and for the future.
Richard Faller
Ohio USA
I really like the "e-mail" ads and the hot links. These help to target the visitors that equals a better chance of making a sale.
Winning hits playing the scratch cards is fun and a change of pace from the other surf exchanges.